Topical Finasteride and other DHT blockers

What other alternative delivery system of DHT blockers out there?

The service that we provide is individually tailored treatment plan for each patient. So, when the patient is worried about injections into intradermal level of Dutasteride or worried about injections of PRP as we all may have blood phobia and injections might make us feel uncomfortable, then we can still use topical scalp applications of DHT blockers.

Penetration of active ingredient like Finasteride through the skin barrier will be less compared to the intradermal injections, however, this is still a great alternative if the patient prefers to avoid oral Finasteride or oral Dutasteride to minimise a probability of side-effects from those medications.

Use of topical Finasteride and other topical DHT blockers in Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL)

Oral route of delivery DHT blockers like Finasteride tablet is well established licensed medication for MPHL. However, long-term use can be refused by many patients due to potential side-effects that may occur.

The best balance between maximum results and minimum systemic exposure is to use intradermal injections as delivery route directly to follicular level, however, there might be some patients that fear injections.

So then, other useful alternative delivery system that can be used for DHT blockers is topical application of Finasteride or other DHT blockers. Finasteride can be produced as a solo preparation or a mixture with minoxidil in same bottle. Topical Finasteride reduces the DHT level mainly in the scalp with minimised systemic absorption.

Studies show that topical Finasteride preparation improve hair count compared to placebo and well tolerated by most patients.

Preparations that can be produced are:

Solo agent of topical Finasteride of 0.1% generally (can be tailored and produced for individual patient)
Topical Finasteride mixed with Minoxidil of various concentrations.
Topical Finasteride mixed with Minoxidil and other DHT blockers like Caffeine, Azelaic Acid, Biotin etc.

Can we produce topical Dutasteride preparations as solo agent or a mixture with Minoxidil?

Yes, we can at patient’s request. This is not a common preparation due to low cost-effectiveness. We recommend more effective treatment option of Dutasteride intradermal injections.

Can I use topical Finasteride if I have Seborrheic Dermatitis, Psoriasis or other scalp issues?

Yes, we can prepare topical Finasteride preparations using Trichosol that is non-irritating vehicle and is alcohol and propylene glycol (PG) free.

For further reading on Trichosol base advantages follow the link: